Thursday, April 06, 2006


Top 10 Things To Contemplate 4 Days Till Race

1. Why do I feel like barfing?
2. Why did I forget my sunglasses?
3. Why do humans crave physical challenge?
4. How does the autonomic nervous response work?
5. What if I'm still barfing tomorrow?
6. How many other first timers are here?
7. Will I feel sleepy if I'm running close to my bedtime?
8. How long will it take me to pack up all my gear on Saturday?
9. How long does nausea usually last?
10. The night sky, the city lights, and the rhythmic roll of jet engines overhead


You're an inspiration to me! Play the "Little Engine That Could". Remember... "I think I can, I think I can..." as you take each stroke, push every pedal, and advance every step. Before you know it you will be reciting "I can!"

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