Friday, April 07, 2006

Last night when I was prowling the Web looking for photos to poach I came across a site for a documentary on regular folks hoping to become IronPeople called 140.6.
Visit the site and take a sec to watch the trailer linked from the home page. It has some very inspiring footage of folks who don't have Adonis bodies and million dollar gear crossing the finish in roughly the same time I hope to finish (16 hrs plus). It'll give you the same mental image I'll be carrying with me all day Sunday.

DAY 5 -
Friday, April 7
Weather in Tempe - sunny, 75, feels hotter
Ok, folks we're getting close. We're into the last 48 hours pre-race. The routine for today was pretty much like yesterday. Got up "early", picked up Bill and went for another practice swim in the lake. Today was better because I had my cap and goggles so I could actually swim instead of bobbing around and sidestroking. (Neither look cool surrounded by IronPeople.)
I feel OK about the swim. It took me a good 10 minutes to settle down my breathing and heart rate this morning so that I could get into my usual swim stroke and rhythm. I think it was just a combination of chilly water and some strong currents. The water level is also high in the lake right now. When you're treading water it's lapping up around your chin instead of your collarbones. After I finally got moving I was able to cruise along at a steady, comfortable pace. I don't plan on swimming fast at all on Sunday - there's no point. If I burn up loads of energy and exhaust myself that early ... hoo boy.
I also went shopping at the merch tent. I was very restrained in my purchases because a) Coach Colleen has taught me that it's bad juju to buy a lot of stuff before the race assuming you'll be a finisher; b)there wasn't that much good stuff. It should also be noted that the sizes on the clothing are predictably small. The size large on most stuff would fit around my back and that's all. Forget about even trying the cycling shorts or jerseys. I would get the shorts up to my knees and that would be it.
The rest of the day was spent resting. My butt and my hips are a little tight from all the walking I've been doing, so I need to cool it tomorrow. Maybe take my bike out for about 5 miles or so just to make sure all's well with all the gears and mechanics.
Finally, tomorrow is gear turn-in day. I'll need to have all my clothes, food and other pieces/parts packed up into special bags that will be tossed back to me during the event as I come out of the swim so I can get dressed for the bike, then again as I get off the bike and go get dressed for the run. As you can imagine, I'll need to be very meticulous when putting these bags together. It could easily take me an hour or so to pack up two bags of gear then another hour or more to get all my food packed up. My bottles with water, sports drink, etc can go with me Sunday morning.
(NOTE - Thanks to the lovely and kind Cheryl P. for the food safety tips!)
Skip will be here tomorrow - yayy! He's looking forward to his golf outings at some of the nice desert courses. I'll be glad to have him here. He may take over as guest blogger on Sunday to keep you guys updated on the day's progress.
I'll sign off for now so I can turn in "early". Tonight is my big sleep night. Tomorrow night's sleep will be short and I probably won't sleep very much. Wait - what am I saying? I'll sleep like a rock and I'll have those anxiety dreams that I overslept and missed the whole thing. Because, I could very easily oversleep and miss the whole thing.