Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Well, Day 2 is coming to an end. I'm here in Tempe, where it was 83 at 5 pm. My rental car is one of those PT Cruisers. I feel like a huge car- rentin' dork in that thing.
I spent my evening setting up a wireless internet connection on my laptop (see? i can fix computers!) and eating take out pasta. not much different from my normal tuesday evening, after a workout, of course.
I had a big attack of scaredy-cat nervousness in the Denver airport today. My mind was calm but my body was freakin' out - rapid pulse, shallow breathing, shaking hands. I guess my body was figuring out what my mind is setting it up for. Legs say, "omigod, wait a second ... you were serious about that 7 hr bike thing, AND that 6 hr run thing..." Butt says, "awww MAN! that bike seat for 7 hrs AND a 6 hr run!" Arms say, "dude - y'all are spoiled. we're gonna be working all day."
When I got on my plane I calmed down. Point of no return and all that. Got a really good book I've been wanting to read. So, I was steady freddy by the time we landed. However, when I drove by the corner of Mill Ave and Rio Salado I saw the giant inflatable archway constructed to lead into the Athlete Village, which will be ground zero for the weekend. I instinctively looked away quickly. It's spiritual glow was too bright - my mortal eyes couldn't comprehend it.
So, it's taps from Tempe. Check y'all ta-marrah!