Tuesday, April 04, 2006

I can't let another moment pass without introducing you all to My Friend Bill. Bill and I met almost exactly 3 years ago. We found each other in the crowd at the (one and only) Loveland Splash & Dash series. He - 6 ft 7 surrounded by 5 ft 10 men. Me - One-fitty-plus-plus-plus surrounded by 130# women. We bonded as Clydesdale and Athena in a tiny athlete's world. We sealed our friendship that day when we ended up swimming next to each other and kicking, punching and slamming into each other for the first 500 meters. We've been pals ever since.
My Friend Bill is also doing this race. He has trained like a champion because he is a champion. He has a huge desire to kick ass at this event and he will. He's kept me honest in my own training by checking in with me every single day to tell me about his workouts and to ask about mine. His dedication knows no limits. Tanning sessions, tinted contact lenses, feng shui for his training gear... ok, i made up that last one.
Anyone who sends me good luck wishes should also send them to Bill. Shoot him a note right here - Bill's e-mail.
My Friend Bill is a fantastic human. He deserves to have a knockout race this Sunday. GO BILL!