Tuesday, April 04, 2006

FAQ About the Race
I just realized that not all of you know exactly what's going on with this Ironman thing. So, here's a quick FAQ.
What's the name of this race?
Ironman Arizona - www.ironmanarizona.com
Where is it?
Tempe, AZ
How far is it?
140.6 total miles. 2.4 mi swim, 112 mi bike, 26.2 run
How many days do you have to do it in?
Not days, hours. 17 hours.
How many people are doing this?
About 1500, I think.
Why are you doing this?
Because it's there.
Doesn't it hurt doing all this stuff?
Well, "hurt" can mean different things. If you mean searing, sharp pain that makes you catch your breath and go "ow ow ow....", that's not supposed to happen. If you mean an extreme discomfort that makes you whine and even cry a little bit, and say things like "i hate this!", then yes. There's a good bit of the latter.
How do you get food while you're doing this?
You pack up what you want to have with you and you carry it in baggies stuffed into your clothing and all over your bike. You shovel it in and chew while you're cycling or running. It's incredibly important that you keep eating, too. you burn around 800 calories per hour on the bike, and about 500 per hour on the run. 800 x 7 = 4800, 500 x 7 = 3500, plus the swim and the amount of energy it takes to keep you alive for a day. you come up with well over 12,000 calories burned in one day. it ain't the day to try a new weight loss plan.
Everyone has their own things they like to eat and that they can chew and swallow while moving. I don't chew well at all when i'm on the bike, so i'll be sticking to things like fig newtons (the food of choice for triathletes, why i'm not sure...), bananas, Gu.
Where do you go to the bathroom?
On yourself or in a port-a-pottie at the aid stations. Your actual situation will dictate the location.